Vaping in the shower can be a relaxing and enjoyable experience, but it’s important to understand the potential risks involved. According to experts, leaving your vape near water, such as on the edge of a bathtub, can pose a danger of it falling in and getting damaged. It’s also important to avoid leaving your vape next to a hot stove or on the railing of a balcony, as these environments can cause damage to the device. Additionally, leaving your vape in a hot car can lead to overheating and potential damage. While vaping in the shower itself may not pose a significant risk, it’s important to use caution and ensure your vape is stored in a safe place away from water.

Key Takeaways:

  • Vaping in the shower can be enjoyable, but it’s crucial to understand the potential risks involved.
  • Leaving your vape near water, on the edge of a bathtub, for example, can pose a risk of damage and potential accidents.
  • Avoid placing your vape near heat sources or on unstable surfaces to prevent device damage.
  • Leaving your vape in a hot car can lead to overheating and potential damage.
  • Store your vape in a safe and dry place away from water to minimize risks associated with shower vaping.

The Safety of Shower Vaping

While the act of vaping in the shower may not directly pose a safety risk, it’s important to consider the potential dangers associated with vaping in a confined space, such as a bathroom. The steam and moisture present in the shower can potentially affect the functionality of your vape device, causing it to malfunction or become damaged.

In addition, the close proximity of the steam to your face while vaping in the shower may lead to throat and lung irritation. The moisture in the air can increase the intensity of the vape clouds, making it more difficult to inhale and increasing the chance of inhaling too much nicotine.

It’s recommended to take certain precautions when shower vaping to minimize the risks involved and ensure a safer experience. Here are some essential shower vaping precautions to keep in mind:

  • Keep your vape device away from direct contact with water. This includes avoiding placing it on the edge of the bathtub, on bathroom counters near the sink, or other areas where it may come into direct contact with water.
  • Ensure proper ventilation in the bathroom while vaping. This helps to dissipate the vape clouds and maintain a well-ventilated space, reducing the likelihood of moisture buildup.
  • Avoid exhaling vape clouds directly into the shower stream. The combination of steam and vape clouds can create a denser vapor, potentially irritating your throat and lungs.
  • Take shorter and less frequent puffs while shower vaping. This can help minimize the amount of vape steam you inhale, reducing the potential for throat and lung irritation.

By following these shower vaping precautions, you can reduce the risks associated with vaping in the bathroom and make your shower vaping experience safer. It’s essential to prioritize your well-being and take measures to protect yourself while enjoying your vape session.

vaping in bathroom

The Risks of Vaping Near Water

When it comes to vaping, it’s crucial to be mindful of the environment in which you choose to indulge in this activity. One such concern is the proximity of water to your vape device. Vaping near water, whether it’s in a bathroom or shower, can present certain risks that need to be considered.

Water has the potential to damage your vape device and even pose a risk of electrical shock if the device comes into contact with it. The combination of water and electricity is never a good mix, and it’s essential to avoid any scenario that can result in harm or damage.

Moisture is another element that can adversely affect your vape device. Vaping near water sources can lead to moisture entering the device, which can interfere with its functionality and potentially cause malfunctions. To ensure the longevity of your vape device and mitigate any risks, it’s best to keep it stored in a safe and dry location outside of the bathroom or shower.

It’s important to note that taking precautions does not mean you can’t enjoy vaping. By simply storing your device in a safe place while in the bathroom or shower, you can minimize the risks. Furthermore, avoiding vaping in close proximity to water sources can significantly reduce the chances of accidents or damage occurring.

Remember, safety should always be a priority when it comes to vaping. By being cautious around water and following these guidelines, you can enjoy your vaping experience with peace of mind.


Vaping in the shower can be a relaxing and enjoyable experience, but it’s important to prioritize safety. While the act of vaping in the shower itself may not pose a significant risk, it’s crucial to take certain precautions to protect yourself and your device.

To ensure shower vape safety, it is advised to avoid leaving your vape near water sources, such as on the edge of a bathtub or on a bathroom window ledge. Water and moisture can damage your vape device and potentially pose a risk of electrical shock.

Additionally, be cautious when vaping in a confined space like a shower. The steam and moisture in the shower can affect the functionality of your vape device and may cause throat and lung irritation. It’s important to maintain proper ventilation in the bathroom to minimize the potential risks.

By using common sense and following these guidelines, you can still enjoy vaping while minimizing the risks associated with vaping in the shower. Stay mindful of your surroundings and take necessary precautions to ensure your safety and the longevity of your vape device.


Can I vape in the shower?

While it may be tempting, vaping in the shower is not recommended. Leaving your vape near water can cause damage if it falls in, and the steam and moisture in the shower can affect the functionality of your device.

Is it safe to vape in the bathroom?

Vaping in the bathroom poses potential risks. The steam and moisture can affect your device, and there is a risk of water damage or electrical shock if the device comes into contact with water.

What precautions should I take when shower vaping?

Ensure your vape is stored in a safe location away from water. Keep your device away from direct contact with water and make sure there is proper ventilation in the bathroom.

Can I vape in a confined space, such as in the shower?

While you can vape in a confined space, such as a shower, it’s important to be cautious. The steam and moisture can affect your vape device’s functionality, and the close proximity of the steam to your face may lead to throat and lung irritation.

How can water affect my vape device?

Water can damage vape devices and cause moisture to enter the device, leading to potential malfunctions. It’s important to keep your vape dry and away from water sources.

Should I store my vape in the bathroom?

It is not recommended to store your vape in the bathroom, as the steam and moisture can damage the device. Store your vape in a safe and dry location outside of the bathroom.

Can vaping near water cause any health issues?

Vaping near water may lead to throat and lung irritation due to the close proximity of the steam. It’s important to ensure proper ventilation and take breaks if you experience any discomfort.

What are the risks of vaping near water?

The risks of vaping near water include potential damage to your device, electrical shock if it comes into contact with water, and the possibility of moisture affecting the functionality of your device.