Experiencing a sudden harshness in your vape can be frustrating, but understanding the common causes can help you find a solution. There are several factors that can contribute to a harsh vape, such as high nicotine strength, burned coils, improper wattage settings, airflow issues, the PG to VG ratio, and the type of wicking material used.

If you’re wondering why your vape has suddenly become harsh, don’t worry. In this article, we will explore each of these factors and provide some tips on how to fix the sudden harshness in your vape.

Key Takeaways:

  • High nicotine strength can cause a harsh throat hit. Consider using e-liquids with lower nicotine levels or try nicotine salts for a smoother experience.
  • Replace burned coils regularly to avoid a burnt taste. Adjusting the type of e-liquid you use may also help.
  • Improper wattage settings and restricted airflow can lead to a harsh vape. Ensure your wattage is not set too high and adjust the airflow settings accordingly.
  • The PG to VG ratio in your e-liquid can affect the smoothness of your vape. Consider switching to e-liquids with a higher VG content for a smoother throat hit.
  • The type of wicking material used in your coil can also impact the throat hit. Cotton wicking provides a gentler experience, while other materials may result in a harsher vape.

High Nicotine Strength

One of the most common causes of a harsh vape is using e-liquids with a nicotine strength that is too high for your preference. If you are a new vaper or have recently quit smoking, you may mistakenly choose a high nicotine strength that delivers a strong throat hit.

Consider switching to e-liquids with lower nicotine levels or try nicotine salts, which provide a concentrated nicotine hit without the harshness.

Nicotine Salts

“Using e-liquids with a high nicotine strength can result in a severe throat hit that may be unpleasant for some users. It’s important to find the right balance to ensure a smooth vaping experience.” – VapeMaster Magazine

Burned Coils

One of the common causes of a harsh vape experience is using burned coils. Over time, coils can become burnt and produce an unpleasant burnt taste, compromising the quality of your vape. To avoid this issue, it is crucial to regularly replace your coils.

If you notice that your coils are burning out quickly and you’re experiencing a burnt taste, there are a couple of steps you can take to address the problem. Firstly, you could adjust the type of e-liquid you are using. Some e-liquids may be more prone to burning coils, so experimenting with different brands or flavors could help improve coil longevity.

Alternatively, if you’re unsure about the best practices for coil replacement and maintenance, consider consulting a reliable coil guide. These guides provide valuable information on coil compatibility, installation, and troubleshooting tips. They can offer insights into common coil problems and help you make informed decisions to enhance your vaping experience.

Remember, replacing your coils regularly and following proper maintenance guidelines can ensure a smoother, more enjoyable vape without the burnt taste.

Benefits of Replacing Coils Regularly Consequences of Using Burned Coils
  • Improved flavor
  • Enhanced vapor production
  • Consistent performance
  • Prolonged coil life
  • Burnt taste
  • Unpleasant vaping experience
  • Reduced flavor
  • Decreased vapor production

Common Signs of Burned Coils

If you’re unsure whether your coils are burned or not, here are some common signs to look out for:

  • Burnt or charred taste
  • Unpleasant smell while vaping
  • Decreased vapor production
  • Abrupt increase in harsh throat hit

“Replacing your coils regularly not only helps you avoid a harsh vape but also ensures that you enjoy optimal performance and flavor from your device.” – Vape Expert

Wattage Settings and Airflow

Improper wattage settings and restricted airflow can lead to a harsh vape. If your device has variable wattage, make sure it is not set too high, as this can result in a harsh throat hit. Adjusting the wattage to a lower level may resolve this issue. Additionally, check the airflow settings on your device and ensure that they are open enough to allow for a smoother vape.

When the wattage is too high, it can cause the e-liquid to vaporize too quickly, resulting in a harsh and unpleasant taste. By adjusting the wattage to a lower level, you can achieve a more balanced vaporization process and enjoy a smoother throat hit.

Similarly, if the airflow on your device is too restricted, it can prevent proper vaporization and result in a harsh vape. Open up the airflow slots to allow for better airflow circulation, which will cool down the vapor and provide a smoother vaping experience.

Adjusting both the wattage and airflow settings can make a significant difference in the overall vape quality. Experiment with different settings to find the sweet spot that suits your preferences.

Remember, every device is different, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with your specific vape mod and its capabilities. Consult the user manual or reach out to the manufacturer for more guidance on adjusting wattage and airflow settings.

In the next section, we will discuss the impact of the PG to VG ratio and the type of wicking material on vape harshness.

adjust wattage and airflow

PG to VG Ratio and Wicking Material

The PG to VG (Propylene Glycol to Vegetable Glycerin) ratio of your e-liquid plays a crucial role in determining the smoothness of your vape. If you find that your vape is too harsh, it might be worth considering switching to e-liquids with a higher VG content. VG tends to provide a smoother throat hit, making your vaping experience more enjoyable.

In addition to the PG to VG ratio, the type of wicking material used in your coil can also impact the throat hit. Cotton wicking is known for delivering a gentler experience, resulting in a smoother vape. On the other hand, using the wrong wicking material such as hemp or silica can contribute to a harsher throat hit. Take a moment to check the type of wicking material in your coil and consider switching if necessary to enhance your vaping experience.

When it comes to finding the perfect PG to VG ratio and wicking material for your vape, it’s all about personal preference. Experiment with different blends and materials to find what works best for you. Remember, a smoother throat hit can make all the difference in elevating your overall vaping experience.


Why is my vape suddenly harsh?

There are several common reasons for sudden harshness in your vape. It could be due to high nicotine strength, burned coils, wattage settings, airflow issues, the PG to VG ratio, or the type of wicking material used.

What should I do if I’m experiencing a sudden harshness in my vape?

To fix sudden harshness in your vape, consider adjusting the nicotine strength by switching to e-liquids with lower levels or trying nicotine salts. Make sure to replace coils regularly to avoid a burnt taste. Adjust wattage settings and airflow to a comfortable level. Consider switching to e-liquids with a higher VG content or changing the wicking material if needed.

Is high nicotine strength causing my harsh vape?

Yes, using e-liquids with a nicotine strength that is too high for your preference can result in a harsh throat hit. Consider switching to e-liquids with lower nicotine levels or try nicotine salts, which provide a concentrated nicotine hit without the harshness.

How do burned coils affect my vape experience?

Burned coils can produce an unpleasant taste and contribute to a harsh vape experience. It is important to replace coils regularly to avoid this issue. If your coils are burning out quickly, you may need to adjust the type of e-liquid you are using or consult a coil guide for more information.

Can wattage settings and airflow affect the harshness of my vape?

Yes, improper wattage settings and restricted airflow can lead to a harsh vape. If your device has variable wattage, make sure it is not set too high, as this can result in a harsh throat hit. Adjusting the wattage to a lower level may resolve this issue. Additionally, check the airflow settings on your device and ensure that they are open enough to allow for a smoother vape.

How does the PG to VG ratio and wicking material impact the harshness of my vape?

The PG to VG ratio in your e-liquid can affect the smoothness of your vape. A higher concentration of VG generally results in a smoother throat hit. Consider switching to e-liquids with a higher VG content if you find that your vape is too harsh. Additionally, the type of wicking material used in your coil can also impact the throat hit. Cotton wicking provides a gentler experience, while other materials like hemp or silica can result in a harsher vape. Be sure to check the type of wicking material used and consider switching if necessary.